Not only is it beautiful to look at, it's refreshing and tastes AH-MAZING!!
Lemonade Recipe [ Virgin mojito ] Refreshing Summer drink
Add the fresh lime juice to the glass with your mint and sweeteners.
Bahan Membuat Virgin Lime Mojito
- It's 250 ml of sari tebu.
- You need 1 sdm of gula pasir.
- You need 1 of jeruk nipis.
- You need 20-30 lembar of daun mint.
Langkah Memasak Virgin Lime Mojito
- Siapkan bahan,cuci bersih dan iris jeruk nipis dan daun mintnya.
- Lanjut bejeg² alias lumat at pke ulekan daun mint,gula dan jeruk nipis sampai sari mint nyampur sari jeruk nipis dan aroma dr kulit jeruknya keluar.
- Campur sari tebu yg udh di dinginkan sampai benar² dingin di kulkas,lalu saring hasilnya,siap di garnish dan dinikmati di cuaca panas.
Raw sugar brings ethereal mint back to earth grounding Vata. What is virgin mojito with mint & lime? Sweet mint limeade is a refreshing. An easy virgin mojito (non alcoholic) with lime, ginger and lots of mint that's the perfect drink to beat the summer heat. An Easy Non-Alcoholic Or Virgin Mojito With Ginger.
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