Best Blueberry Muffins Blue Berry Muffins Blueberry Jam Blueberries Muffins Blueberry Muffin The Ultimate Healthy Blueberry Pound Cake.
An easy, no-mixer-required recipe for tender vanilla This is a really quick coffee cake, with delicious sliced apples, this makes for a perfect fall breakfast.
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Bahan Membuat Apple cake with blueberry jam
- You need 2 butir of telur.
- Prepare 100 gram of gula pasir.
- It's 1/2 sdt of sp.
- It's 3 cup of tepung terigu.
- Prepare 1/2 sdt of baking powder.
- Prepare 1/2 sdt of vanili bubuk.
- You need 1 buah of apel 1/2 blender sama yogurt dan 1/2 nya lagi di potong dadu.
- You need 1 cup of yogurt plain.
- It's 50 ml of minyak sayur.
- Prepare of untuk toping: blueberry jam dan keju parut.
Langkah Memasak Apple cake with blueberry jam
- Blender 1/2 buah apel dengan 1 cup yogurt plain.
- Kocok telur,gula dan sp sampe mengembang pucat.
- Turunkan kecepatan mixer masuk jus apel tadi dan tepung terigu, baking powder dan vanili bubul secara bergantian.
- Tambahkan minyak sayur aduk lipat balik maaf ya gambarnya kabur td di kesenggol bocah..he..he.
- Tuang ke loyang yg sdh di olesi margarin taburi topingnya dgn apel yg di potong dadu.
- Panggang selama 40 menit hingga matang.
- Angkat taburi dengan keju parut dan blueberry jam.
- Sajikan sambil ngeteh...
They're soft, moist, and the Tres Leches Cake Recipe. This Blueberry Jam Cake recipe is a great way to get sweet berry flavor without fresh berries. A little bit of jam meets sweet vanilla cake for an irresistible dessert! With Easter approaching, I've been thinking a lot about the kinds of desserts that would be great endings to an Easter meal. Download royalty-free Fresh-baked apple and blueberry cake, on a cooling rack, with a wedge cut out.
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