Puff pastry is one of the cornerstones of the French pastry kitchen.
Learn everything you need to I wrote about puff pastry Long, Long Ago, but apparently the word isn't out that puff isn't that big a deal.
These super easy Puff Pastry Tarts taste amazing and are a great way to expose children to a range of vegetables.
Bahan Membuat Bolen Puff Pastry
- You need of Puff Pastry.
- You need of Pisang Raja Secukup nya belah bagi 4.
- Prepare of Keju.
- Prepare of Cokelat.
- It's 2 Butir of kuning telur untuk olesan.
Langkah Memasak Bolen Puff Pastry
- Siapkan Semua Bahan.
- Keluarkan Pastry dari kulkas tunggu hingga Suhu Ruang Lalu gilas.
- Giling dengan rolling Pin Lalu beri isian.
- Setelah itu Lipat menyerupai Amplop & Oles menggunakan Kuning Telur Lalu beli topping Sesuai selera.
- Lakukan seterus nya sampai Kulit Pastry habis.
- Beri topping Sesuai selera.
- Oven selama 12 Menit di Suhu 200 derajat/Sesuaikan kan oven masing2.
- Selamat mencoBa...
Puff pastry can be time consuming to make, but the results are worth it. If you have a recipe that requires puff pastry and you do not have access to the pre-made frozen kind, you can make your own.. We start with the puff pastry. Of course, you could use a commercially made puff pastry, but I Once the puff pastry squares have been baked and cooled, they are topped with a delicious cream. Homemade puff pastry (or 'pâte feuilletée').
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