Puff pastry is one of the cornerstones of the French pastry kitchen.
Learn everything you need to I wrote about puff pastry Long, Long Ago, but apparently the word isn't out that puff isn't that big a deal.
These super easy Puff Pastry Tarts taste amazing and are a great way to expose children to a range of vegetables.
Bahan Membuat Bolen Puff Pastry
- It's 2 lembar of puff pastry siap pakai.
- You need 6 buah of pisang kepok kukus.
- It's secukupnya of SKM.
- You need secukupnya of gula.
- It's secukupnya of meses.
- Prepare 12 potong of keju potong bentuk stik.
- You need 1 butir of kuning telur untuk polesan.
- It's of keju parut untuk taburan.
Langkah Memasak Bolen Puff Pastry
- Potong puff pastri jadi 6bagian. Pisang potong 2bagian,belah tengahnya. Penyelesaian: Selipkan keju diantara pisang. Taruh diatas puff,beri sedikit gula,meses dan skm. Lipat bagian atas,bagian bawah,bagian samping kiri dan kanan.tekan2 spy tdk bocor isinya. Tata diloyang yg sdh dialas kertas roti dan dioles margarin..
- Poles atasnya dg kuning telur,taburi keju parut ato meses. Lalu panggang di oven,,sesuai petunjuk yg ada di balik kemasan. Kl aq kmrn sktr 20mnt Matang,angkat dan dinginkan.
- Fotonya kurleb spt ini,hehe maap cepet2 rada ga jelas.
Puff pastry can be time consuming to make, but the results are worth it. If you have a recipe that requires puff pastry and you do not have access to the pre-made frozen kind, you can make your own.. We start with the puff pastry. Of course, you could use a commercially made puff pastry, but I Once the puff pastry squares have been baked and cooled, they are topped with a delicious cream. Homemade puff pastry (or 'pâte feuilletée').
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