Beetroot paratha is a healthy breakfast recipe which is loaded with full of nutrients and good for health too…We all love to.
Beetroot Roti Recipe, How To Make Beetroot Roti Recipe.
A colorful roti tinged with the pink shades of beetroot and the savory touch of til, with coriander powder and chili powder for added flavor is one.
Bahan Membuat Roti soek Beetroot
- Prepare of Dough beetroot.
- You need 1 buah of beetroot (buah bit).
- You need 1 of telur.
- Prepare 5 gr of ragi.
- It's 1/4 sdt of vanili.
- You need 40 gr of gula pasir.
- You need 250 of terigu cakra.
- You need 150 of terigu segitiga biru.
- Prepare 100 ml of susu segar dingin.
- It's 1/4 sdt of garam.
- You need 40 gr of margarin.
- You need of Isian dan topping.
- Prepare of Choco crunchy.
- You need slice of Almond.
Langkah Memasak Roti soek Beetroot
- Kupas beetroot dan potong lalu diblender bersama sedikit susu segar.
- Siapkan wadah, lalu masukan terigu, vanili, gula, telor, beetroot lalu aduk rata dan sambil masukan susu dikit demi sedikit.
- Lalu tambahkan margarin dan garam, uleni hingga kalis. Tp biasanya aku karena masih manual, dan males ngulenin lama lama. Bagiku yg penting keaduk rata aja semua bahan lalu adonan diberi tutup plastik. Jika sudah mengembang, aku uleni lagi.. hehe.
- Bagi adonan rata, saya jadi 16 bulatan. Ini manual di buleti pake tangan, tanpa dì timbang sebelumnya ya....
- Lalu satu persatu adonan dipipihkan dan diberi isi choco crunchy, dan di lipat lalu dimasukan dalam loyang yg sudah diberi kertas.
- Susun hingga penuh, lalu diamkan hingga mengembang kembali.
- Setelah mengembang, oleskan permukaan dengan (susu cair+telor) agar permukaan mengkilat. Lalu beri topping almond slice.
- Panaskan oven, panggang pada suhu 180derajat selama 18menit pakai api atas bawah (sesuaikan dengan masing masing oven yah).
- Roti soek beetrootnya jadiiii~~~.
- Sajikan selagi hangat jauh lebih enak, super lembut dan rasa beetrootnya gak ganggu sama sekali.. senangggg.
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Beetroot Paratha Recipe - This is the stuffed version where stuffing mixture is made from grated beetroot, boiled potatoes and some spices. Beetroot thoran recipe with video - Simple and delicious kerala style beetroot stir fry recipe. Beetroot thoran is a simple stir fry dish made using beets, coconut and other basic ingredients. Roast beetroot is becoming more popular whether it is cooked alone or as part of a larger combination of roast vegetables. The beetroot, or simply beet, is a highly nutritious root vegetable.
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