Line slow cooker with a large piece of parchment paper.
Liquid should come about halfway up your filet.
A little peek at the inside - yes, it looks exactly like it does pre-cooked, but it's cooked to a silky texture.
Bahan Membuat Salmon with Vegetables Purée - cooked with Slow Cooker (7m+)
- It's 90 gr of Beras putih.
- It's 300 ml of Air kaldu ayam.
- It's 150 ml of air matang.
- Prepare 1 sdm of Salmon.
- It's 1/2 batang of Wortel.
- It's 5 buah of mini cherry tomato.
- It's beberapa helai of Bayam.
- Prepare of beberapa potong Kembang kol.
- It's 1/2 cup kecil of Unsalted butter.
Langkah Memasak Salmon with Vegetables Purée - cooked with Slow Cooker (7m+)
- Cuci semua bahan sayuran hingga bersih..
- Potong-potong sayuran, tidak perlu terlalu kecil..
- Masukkan Beras putih, Air kaldu, Air matang, Wortel, dan Cherry tomato ke dalam slow cooker. Masak selama 3 jam..
- 20 menit sebelum bubur matang, masukkan Salmon, Bayam dan Kembang kol ke dalam slow cooker..
- Setelah matang, blender hingga tingkat kehalusan yang diinginkan..
- Tuang purée ke mangkok, tambahkan unsalted butter. Aduk hingga rata, sajikan ❤️.
This heart-healthy fish takes to all different types of cooking methods. By cooking the salmon at a low temperature you let it slowly heat up. It has time to chillax and the proteins relax with it. This Asian salmon is slow-baked and always turns out flaky and tender. It is the easiest Asian salmon recipe that's packed with flavor from the most delicious honey soy marinade.
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