Easy to double for a large group.
Although the name "Teriyaki" is relatively recent nomenclature, the practice of cooking meat and fish in a mixture of soy sauce and sugar has a long history going back hundreds of years.
Historical names for teriyaki include: Amakarayaki (ηθΎηΌγ, sweet and salty.
Bahan Membuat Chicken Teriyaki KW π
- It's of Ayam.Potong agar menjadi lebih tipis.
- Prepare 1 butir of telur.Jadikan orak arik.
- You need of Nasi Putih.
- It's of Selada.
- It's of Bahan Sauce :.
- It's 3 tbsp of soy sauce.
- It's 2 tbsp of mirin.
- You need 1 tsp of gula.gula membuat daging mengkilap.
- Prepare 1 tsp of jahe parut.
- You need 50 ml of air.
Langkah Memasak Chicken Teriyaki KW π
- Campur semua bahan sauce..
- Masukkan ayam ke sauce.Diamkan 5 menit..
- Masak ayam di teflon tanpa minyak dan jgn dituangkan saucenya..
- Setelah setengah matang, masukkan semua sauce dan masak sampai matang dan bumbu meresap..
- Angkat..
- Taruh nasih di mangkok / wadah..
- Taruh ayam.Tuang sisa saucenya di ayam.
- Beri selada..
- Selamat menikmati.
That's the way traditional teriyaki looks: shiny and incised with Place chicken in a heavy-duty sealable plastic bag. Add soy sauce mixture, seal bag, and turn to coat chicken. Refrigerate for at least an hour, ideally. This Chicken Teriyaki (ι³₯η §γηΌγ) or Teriyaki Chicken is a quick weeknight dinner that's so easy to make. Tender chicken thighs are cooked in a mouthwatering homemade sweet and savory authentic teriyaki sauce.
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