This delicious banana smoothie brings back childhood memories and is the perfect A delicious Banana Smoothie brings back memories of my childhood!
Bananas are a great choice for making homemade smoothies.
Use them as a base and add different fruits for a quick and easy blended drink.
Bahan Membuat Banaya Smoothies
- It's 2 of pisang (saya pakai sunpride).
- Prepare 1 botol of yakult.
- It's secukupnya of Es batu.
- You need 1 botol of air dingin pakai botol yakult.
- It's secukupnya of Kental manis.
Langkah Memasak Banaya Smoothies
- Campur semua bahan yang ada. Blender sampai lembut. Lebih mantul kalau disajikan saat dingin..
The worst part about hating bananas is trying to find a smoothie recipe that doesn't include these freaks of nature. So EASY - make a banana smoothie to your liking with fresh or frozen berries of your choice, banana, yogurt, honey, and ice. Lots more smoothie ideas in the comments! Banana and milk are rich source of calcium and smoothie prepared with them can Banana smoothie without yogurt is a nutritious and calcium rich drink prepared by using. Name a more iconic duo — we'll wait.
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