Spinach Aragula Green Apple Kiwi Detox.
Cold blended drinks, mango and watermelon fruit smoothie.
Two colorful fruit shakes near pool.
Bahan Membuat 45. Smoothies in jar tropical
- Prepare 4 buah of pisang beku (potong-potong taruh kulkas).
- Prepare 7-10 buah of strawberry beku (taruh kulkas).
- It's 2 botol of yakult (optional).
- You need of Madu.
- Prepare 1 buah of alpukat.
- Prepare 1 sdt of bubuk cinnamon.
- You need 1 sdm of granola (optional).
- Prepare 1 buah of jeruk manis.
Langkah Memasak 45. Smoothies in jar tropical
- Kita blend dahulu yakult, pisang, strawberry jangan lupa tambahkan sedikit cinnamon dan madu ya mom sebagai pengganti gula.
- Blender sampai halus, setelah itu taruh di jar. Kita blender buah jeruknya ya mom..
- Sambil menunggu blender jeruk, kita taburi dulu alpukatnya mom. Lalu tuangkan jus jeruknya, untuk jeruknya gak usah di tambah air maupun pemanis ya mom..
- Selagi nunggu blender jeruk, kita topping alpukatnya sedikit ya mom. Setelah itu tuangkan jus jeruknya ke jar mom. Lalu saatnya platting toppingnya mom. Untuk platting saya pakai alpukat sama granola mom. Have a trying.
Blend up this powerhouse tropical turmeric green smoothie loaded with essential vitamins, nutrients, anti-inflammatory, and detox properties. And now we come to the turmeric in the Tropical Turmeric Green Smoothie. Turmeric is a natural liver detoxifier. We most often find it in its dried, ground form. This smoothie will get you reminiscing of the sunshine pretty quickly.
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