We are a healthy alternative to fast food.
Tropical Smoothie Cafe, sometimes referred to as Tropical Smoothie, or TSC, is a restaurant franchise in the United States.
Tropical Smoothie Café's menu boasts bold, flavorful food and smoothies.
Bahan Membuat Tropical Smoothies
- Prepare 3 bh of Pisang, potong-potong.
- Prepare 100 gr of Pepaya, potong dadu.
- Prepare 50 gr of Mangga, potong dadu.
- You need 1 botol of Yakult, bagi menjadi 3.
- You need 1/2 cangkir of Air Es, bagi menjadi 3.
- You need 1 of sct Milo Bubuk (Topping).
Langkah Memasak Tropical Smoothies
- Siapkan semua bahan yg dibutuhkan..
- Pertama, proses dulu pisang. Haluskan pisang dengan secukupnya Yakult & secukupnya air es. Sisihkan..
- Kedua, proses mangga. Haluskan dengan secukupnya Yakult & secukupnya air es. Sisihkan..
- Ketiga, proses pepaya. Lakukan hal yg sama dengan buah lainnya. Sisihkan..
- Setelah semua buah dihaluskan. Siapkan gelas..
- Tuang terlebih dulu pepaya, kemudian mangga, terakhir pisang. Tuang perlahan aja. Sentuhan terakhir beri topping Milo Bubuk secukupnya..
- Tadaaaaa...warna yg eksotik nan cantik & dgn rasa yg unik nya benar2 segar🤤😍.
This tropical smoothie recipe is a blend of mango, pineapple, banana and coconut milk, all mixed together to create a creamy and refreshing drink. The perfect breakfast or snack option that's loaded. Copycat Tropical Smoothie Jetty Punch - Layers of Happiness. When we used to live in Las Vegas, Tropical Smoothie was regularly visited by us because of my mom's Wheatgrass shot kick that she. Become a member, post a recipe and get free nutritional Tropical Smoothies. get the Food.com app.
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