Green tea banana smoothie 3M Look, I think we're all after the same thing — whether vegan, paleo, vegetarian, pescetarian, frutarian, or whatever arian you are — we're all trying to do the That's it for this green tea banana smoothie recipe! I hope you love this recipe as we do! Green smoothies were really the first thing I got into when I found this whole blogging-about-real-whole-foods movement.

Bahan Membuat Green tea banana smoothie 3M

  1. You need 1 bj of pisang ambon/ sunpride yg mateng.
  2. It's 100 ml of susu cair.
  3. You need 1 btl of yakult.
  4. Prepare 1 sdt of bubuk green tea, larutkan dg sdkt air panas.
  5. You need of Madu (optional, jika merasa kurang manis).
  6. It's secukupnya of Es batu.

Langkah Memasak Green tea banana smoothie 3M

  1. Blender semua bahan.
  2. Sajikan dingin..

Health Benefits - Spinach Banana Smoothie. Bananas and spinach contain a lot of fiber. My favorite feature of fiber rich food is that it makes you. This green smoothie is fruit and veggie packed, cold, double-thick, smooth So this matcha green tea smoothie contains all the goodness of a regular green smoothie with the added I love green tea and smoothies but my problem is the bananas. This cold and creamy matcha green tea smoothie or smoothie bowl is packed with healthy ingredients.

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