If you've ever had candy apples before, then you've already eaten something that is pretty similar in execution as tanghulu.
Tanghulu (also known as bing tanghulu).
ASMR 딸기 탕후루 만들기 레시피 I HOW TO MAKE STRAWBERRY TANGHULU RECIPE I 糖葫蘆 あかざとう youtube.com.
Bahan Membuat Tanghulu strawbery
- Prepare 6 sendok makan of gula pasir.
- Prepare 1/4 cangkir kecil of Air.
- Prepare of Buah, saya pakai strawbery aja, bisa pakai anggur/nanas.
- It's 1 lembar of pandan.
Langkah Memasak Tanghulu strawbery
- Cuci bersih buah dan tusuk dengan tusukan sate.
- Panaskan panci anti lengket yang berisi air, pandan dan gula pasir hingga hampir membentuk karamel.
- Lumuri buah dengan menggunakan gula karamel sampai rata, biarkan hingga gula mengeras..
Tanghulu Berries are so pretty these are candied strawberries. My oldest must've heard about #tanghulu (candy-covered strawberries) because of Chinese New Year and we made some tonight. The traditional Bing Tanghulu are made with the Chinese hawthorn, or 山楂, which are rather like But what do ya know, when the strawberries are dipped in and out the heat of the caramel cooks the fruit. Asmr Mukbang Strawberry Tanghulu, Jelly - No Talking Eating Sounds - Discover Food. Strawberry Tanghulu (also used with Chinese haw apples).
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