Like the previous reviewer I didn't have any almond extract so I used vanilla extract.
Winter is apple pie season and Fast Ed's celebrating with what has to be the greatest apple tart of all time!
Made with shortcrust pastry and a delicious.
Bahan Membuat Pie Apple with Almond
- It's of Bahan Crust / Kulit Pie.
- Prepare 80 gram of tepung protein rendah.
- It's 35 gram of Almond bubuk.
- Prepare 60 gram of unsalted butter.
- You need 40 gram of gula halus.
- Prepare 1 of kuning telur.
- Prepare 2 tetes of vanilla.
- Prepare of Bahan cream.
- It's 35 gram of unsalted butter.
- You need 35 gram of bubuk Almond.
- Prepare 35 gram of gula castor.
- You need 1/2 butir of telur kocok.
- Prepare of Topping.
- Prepare 1 butir of Apel (saya pakai Fuji).
- It's 1 tbsp of gula castor.
- You need Secukupnya of almond slice.
- Prepare of Glaze.
- Prepare 40 gram of Apricot jam.
- It's 30 cc of air.
Langkah Memasak Pie Apple with Almond
- Campur semua bahan kulit, aduk dan bentuk dengan menggunakan spatula atau scraper. Setelah semua tercampur rata, bungkus dengan plastik wrap, masukkan kedalam frezzeer a.
- Campur semua bahan cream kecuali tepung almond. Kocok hingga creamy. Setelah terllihat creamy, masukkan tepung almond, aduk dengan menggunakan spatula.**jangan terlalu keras mengaduknya karena tepung almond mengandung minyak. nanti adonan mencair. Cuci bersih apel. Iris tipis tipis, sisihkan.
- Keluarkan adonan kulit dari frezer, tipiskan perlahan dengan menggunakan rolling pin membentuk lingkaran kurang lebih 22 cm. Saya memakai cetakan pie ukuran 20 cm. Ratakan, dan tambahkan cream diatas adonan pie..
- Susun potongan slice apel diatas cream hingga seluruh permukaan cream tertutup rata. Taburi gula castor sedikit, Panggang di suhu 180 derajat selama 20-25 menit. **sesuaikan dengan masing masing oven.
- Setelah matang, biarkan hangat. Buat Glaze untuk olesan. Panaskan bahan olesan dipan dengan api sedang, aduk hingga mengental dan tercampur rata. Oles merata diseluruh permukaan pie apel. Terakhir, taburi dengan slice Almond... Yummmy.....
After blind baking it, we fill it with frangipane - a creamy almond filling made with equal amounts of almond flour, butter and sugar - and top with apple slices that were tossed with a bit of sugar and pan fried in butter until perfectly. Spread the apple slices with the notches to the top of the pastry and pour over the egg-cream mixture. Sprinkle the raisins and remaining sliced almonds on top. Remove the pie from oven and let. The recipe for this apple pie with cinnamon and almonds are very simple and easy to make - you simple just mix the ingredients for the pie dough We are sure that there is something you would like.
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